Not That Kind of Love Poem (A Reading of “5-7-5”)

5-7-5 (you can find the full poem here) was written with a girl in mind. Last night, something happened. I merged Christina’s audio reading of the poem with a photo of a boy and some background music. The result was something unintentional yet wonderfully and indescribably different. I will never see 5-7-5 the same way again.…


I SEE HER for what she is — uneven, a runaway three-line poetry.  Lesser minds have plunged her depths only to break the surface with questioning faces.  All these years they never understood for they saw her differently, an odd number in the realm of pairs and parallelisms. She was often measured, but in their eyes…


(Feb. 2006) Do you still remember when we found ourselves lost in this place, blindfolded and numb, yet feeling an old strangeness like when two souls stray on a barren land or near open sea alone? We felt it, the sudden gust of wind that brushed harshly on our skin.  Those unmistakable straws that lay…

Silence and I

JUST WANTED TO share this odd but beautiful piece about love, math (go figure) and the economy of words. An acquaintance passed it on to me and it had since been quietly passed on from friend to friend to friend. The Quiet World by Jeffrey McDaniel In an effort to get people to look into…